Bicycle Studio


Fabian Julius de Planque

In October 2011, the bicycle repair studio at its current location was founded. It is intended to offer students and employees of the university, as well as all other interested parties, the opportunity to repair their bicycles at a reasonable price, to clean and maintain parts, or simply to drop by for a chat. Student volunteers will be on hand to offer advice and assistance to visitors during the weekly openings of the studio.

We look forward to seeing you and your bikes!

The building in which the bicycle workshop was located up until now is soon to be demolished. The bike workshop will therefore remain closed until the move to another building has been completed. You can find the latest information here or on instagram.

Opening hours and contact

Opening hoursclosed until further notice
Instagram wunderrad
JoinJust send an email or a message on Instagram. We are always happy to welcome new helpers. You don't have to know anything about bikes.

Spare parts and tools

We have almost everything in tools.

Spare parts please bring yourself, if you have any questions, we will be happy to help you on site.

Wear parts such as shift and brake cables, cable sleeves and brake pads can be purchased from us at cost price.


We do not buy bicycles, but are happy about:

  • good bike donations
  • component donations
  • monetary donations for consumables


Gefördert durch: "Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz" aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages